Monday, March 3, 2008

Perfect Day for Being Outside!!!

Leia Rose had a blast with Chloe and Mia today. First the focus was on picking flowers. I found it funny that both Leia Rose and Chloe insisted on wearing their helmets as a kind of hat for the entire playdate. ; ) (I came equipped with the camera AND the monitor today, in that Annie was napping. It's a REAL blessing that this monitor works three houses away, I must say.)
Here are the flowers they picked. Leia was VERY proud of them. (Please note she's wearing her Dinosaur Museum T-Shirt, . . . again.) ; )
Then it was my turn to be proud, . . . the girls did WONDERFULLY today minding our biking rules (staying on the left side of the road & stopping before the stop sign). (Aren't you proud, Rebecca?) And today I noticed that there is a perfect faint dark line that made a kind of sidewalk for the girls to stay inside. Can you see it? And both girls did great moving into the grass when the UPS truck came by, . . . and were so excited when the driver waved and honked! ; )
And today I tried something new: I let Annie sit in the back sandbox (with her kitty in view) as I cooked dinner. I checked on her each minute or so, and she did GREAT (I can see her from the kitchen), . . . it only became a problem when Leia Rose came by with a cauldron full of "mega-mud" that Annie kept calling a "bowl." ; )

1 comment:

becca said...

amazing how different a child's perspective is - i noticed our new growth of weeds this morning actually... but they do make a beaufiful arrangement of flowers in a vase :)