Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Soup & Salad

Today Leia Rose made some "soup" complete with garden herbs. Yum!
Then she desperately wanted to try the onion bulb of one of our wild chives as part of a "salad," so I had to go and look it up on the internet to make sure it was safe. : ) It was. But she spit it out anyway. Who wants to eat a raw onion?
Then Leia decided that she was going to make it "rain," which just involved spooning the dirty water near Annie.
And why is it that, even with all of the fun scoops of sand in the sandbox, all Annie really wants to do pour the good sand OUT and put some outside dirt and pine straw IN?
And how could I pass up a swing with my first-born-beauty love, . . . that she requested!!! : ) She felt so special today when I told her that, as for being a first-born-beauty-love, she is my only one. Annie is my second-born-baby-love, but Leia will always be my only first born. ; )

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