Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Rainbow Rockets with Annie

Annie was concentrating so hard drawing her cute little lines, while she helped Leia today. : )
Leia Rose quickly enlisted Annie's help in drawing the intense and hot fire-trail streaming from what she wanted to be a "Rainbow Rocket."
Again, I am amazed and astounded at how loving and including Leia Rose is with Annie. So many kids would say, "No, Annie! Don't do that!!!" With Leia it's always, "Wow! That's good Annie! . . . Annie come and help me draw this, Annie. . . . Now we're going to come over here to draw, Annie." What an amazing child!!!
Coloring the Rainbow Rocket.
And here is the final product! Leia's and Annie's Rainbow Rocket!!! (Guess who got all the chalk smudges all around it.) ; )
Then Leia and Annie got busy drawing the rocket's trajectory toward the different planets of the solar system from yesterday. Here is Leia on a bee-line to her "potato planet" to laugh at its shape once again. : )
And as all of this drawing was going on, Annie got a bad case of what we called "Easter Buns." ; )
And so did Leia (although I suspect she did hers on purpose). : ) [It's so fun not only to see Annie want to be like her big sister but also to see Leia want to be like her little sister, too!]
There was also a very common interlude of Annie hearing an airplane, in which she would usually do just this (with the addition of putting her arm up in the air, for some reason). This is the one vantage point from around our house where you can actually SEE airplanes. Usually, the sky is blocked by trees. And today Annie actually got to see (what I think was) her very first real airplane. It was a small one, very close, and wouldn't it be just our luck to have it look like the little airplanes in Annie's set?!? Annie was VERY surprised, . . . and made this the catalyst for calling an airplane a "puww" ("airplane") instead of a "bood" ("bird"). : )
And today, Annie started to use the word "see" to be "sand," instead of "side" meaning it all (outside/sand/slide). Lots better for communication!
Again, here's the amazing Leia finding humor in Annie's newest pastime, pouring sand on Leia's shirt.
And Annie learned how to slide down the slide herself today, backwards and on her tummy.

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