Saturday, March 15, 2008

Ballet Recital Practice

Today I took Leia Rose to ballet and asked Miss Megan when recital practice would begin. Megan said they were actually going to practice some of the moves today!!! So, I thought I would stay and document it (through the one-way door). ; ) This is the only part Leia Rose had a bit of trouble with. She was supposed to side-step across the floor alternating one foot in front / one foot behind. REALLY difficult!

Here they are practicing stomping their pony "hooves." ; )

Funny story behind this picture. Recently we have been singing a lot of the song "Easter Parade," and I always enjoy scaring Leia Rose during the line, "On the avenue, . . . la, la, la, la! Fifth Avenue, . . . la, la, la, la!" By opening my eyes wide, and leaning in to sing the loud "la's." It always makes her laugh as she sings the loud "la's" too. : ) Here she is singing them. : )

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