Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Playdate with Sarah McDowell

Today we invited Sarah McDowell over for dinner as well as to play with the girls as Brian and I went to a very special violin concert. We all had a blast together! (And then, of course, Noelle got to visit with her friend more after we got home. I always love my girl-time!) ; )
And then it was time for the girls to do some intense playing!!! Here is Leia Rose reading her newest homework book to Mrs. McDowell. [Which brings me to an interesting point. I never know how to address Sarah in blog posts. I know her as Sarah. Leia Rose calls her Mrs. McDowell from school and, most likely, will ALWAYS call her that no matter what, just out of habit. And pretty much all of our other friends like to go by Miss Laurie and Miss Rebecca and Miss Laura. And Annie will probably refer to her that way as Miss Sarah. And then there's the fact that I've never really asked Sarah, herself, what she'd like to be called. So be sure to put that in the comments of this post, Sarah. So until I sort it all out, I suppose I'll continue referring to her as "Sarah McDowell."] : )

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