Monday, March 17, 2008

Deja Vu, . . . Moo!

I was so happy today to let Annie see some real mooing cows at Fearrington Village!!! As we were walking over, I was reminiscing and telling Leia Rose about how she would scream and scream when the cows would moo. I guessed because, when you are standing next to a real cow, the mooing is incredibly LOUD!!! Guess what happened next . . .

Oh how this video shows a similarity between Leia & Annie, . . . and evidence that Leia is truly an inside girl! (I told her that holding her nose was disrespectful to the cows. Ha!)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh my heavens! I love what a good sport you are, totally unaltered by both your girls reactions. Funny girls. And what load mooing, totally different from goats I'll tell you!