Saturday, March 1, 2008

Fossils, Fossils, & More Fossils

Today Leia Rose and Daddy went to a special exhibit at the Museum of Natural Science all about Dinosaurs and Fossils, featuring the special dinosaur called Acrocanthosaurus: the Terror of the South! ("Mamma, it looked like a tiny raptor!") Leia Rose also got to touch a real triceratops horn!!!
Then later, Mamma and Leia Rose went to the Carnival of Animals put on by the Chapel Hill Ballet. Leia loved looking for Jessie's brother, Zach, who played a Tortoise! (Leia commented that he looked really different in his costume, though.)
Leia's favorite part? The end of the "Fossils" part of the Carnival of Animals, where all of the dancers made a huge T-Rex skeleton with their props . . .
. . . that was glow-in-the-dark!!!

1 comment:

Karin said...

What a fabulous day for a little girl!! :)