Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Arriving at the Lake

Since it was Leia's Spring Break and since Mom and D were kind enough to invite us, we headed off for a glorious week of warm weather at Lake Murray. As we passed Newberry on the way to Lake Murray, we stopped at The Palms (our favorite restaurant in town) where I always have their barbecue shrimp & grits (yum!). Leia Rose thought it was really funny that The Palms had real palms in their parking lot. I have a feeling that was intentional; South Carolina is the palmetto state. : )
. . . Annie, however, was more excited about the fries. One of her favorite exclamations is "Fry!" That's what she's doing here.
As we got to Grandma's and Grandpa's lake house, the sun was just setting. We went down to the dock to welcome in the twilight.

Grandpa's "John Boat" (is that how you spell it, Grandpa?) was overturned and on the dock, . . . and Annie had a blast playing on it. I have never seen Annie more excited than this evening. She really got the real concepts of "boat" and "water" all in one night! : )

Periodically, she would flap her arms like this (similar to a bird) and exclaim "Wa-wa!" or "Wa-ta!" as if to say, "There's water all around me, and I'm really excited about it!!!"

Here's a little video of Annie's (and Leia's) excitement:

1 comment:

Karin said...

How cute that she was so excited about the water! :)