Sunday, March 16, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

First the Easter Bunny & friends gathered all the children together for some Christian instruction about Jesus' death and resurrection, . . . including the reason why they had a real donkey on hand!!!
Annie couldn't wait to get her hands on that donkey. I wouldn't let her, though. : )
Then it was, "Ready, Set, Go!" And Leia and Annie were off to get some eggs!

Look how Leia's newest Perri Pat Pat was riding along for the whole hunt! : )

Leia even hugged the Easter Bunny, but "Mamma, I don't think it was the real one because I could see some sneakers!" Ha!

Look at all the loot Leia Rose received!!! The funniest thing about this picture, though, is that Brian is on the side unwrapping a peanut butter cup, . . . for himself! Caught in the act! : )
Thinking about it . . .
Just maybe . . .
And hooray! I finally got Annie to taste some chocolate! : )
(And if Leia didn't have to go potty right at the beginning of the egg hunt while Annie screamed her head off for no reason, as she was in the stroller far from the action, . . . it would have been a perfect outing. Ha!)

1 comment:

Karin said...

fun! :) And too funny about the sneakers!!