Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sunset & Sonnet

Ever since 11th grade, my poem of choice has always been the sonnet. Iambic Pentameter. Four general rhyme schemes to choose from. The unwavering 14 lines with an "octave" & "sestet" with the signature "volta" between the two revealing a significant change. Generally hard to write because you're forcing words into a very set form, but always coming easy for me, . . . like a blessing. Anyway, the number of sonnets I've written has gotten significantly less since I've had Leia and Annie for no other reason except time, . . . certainly not for lack of inspiration.

How can I explain this. . . . I get this feeling (similar to the feeling one gets when one is in the presence of God), and I just KNOW I need to write a poem about a particular experience. That happened to me during this sunset today. It just struck me that people spend their lives hoping to "get away" in order to find happiness & beauty such as this, when true happiness & beauty can be found right in front of them. It certainly can be found right in front of me every day. Anyway, the pictures and then the poem:

An added blessing was that we got to see one sunset behind the trees when they were close, . . .
. . . and then another sunset when the horizon seemed further away. : )
What one-year-old is lucky enough to balance the sun on her nose?!? ; )
And this laughter is in response to this prayer:
Mamma: "Dear God, thank You so much for this beautiful sunset in Your beautiful world."
Leia Rose: "And thank You for letting us see two sunsets, just like on Tatooine!"
(Leave it to Leia to connect the beauty of a sunset with the beauty of Star Wars!) ; )


Observant, placid, arms around my kin
Wisps of hair and smell of youth abounds
With mingled scent of nature and wrens' sounds
An added "gay-gle," brush of her soft skin
In that state hearing gentle lap of waves
And see the sun descending o'er the wood
E'en tasting golden light, it's understood
Remembering once again we're truly saved
It's God who put us here to see the light
Find reddish-orange turning to pinkish-blue
Others fight their whole lives for what is true
It's all right here, so plain, before the night
Thank Him, girls, leading us to holy ends
For all this beauty brought as eve descends

1 comment:

Karin said...

Awesome!! :)

And sooo funny about the sun on her nose. ;)