Sunday, March 23, 2008

Watching Star Wars

"Hey, Leia Rose, make me a face that says, 'Tonight I'm getting to watch Star Wars!!!!'"
Here are Leia Rose and Daddy sharing something very special, . . . Leia's very first viewing of Star Wars! (Will this become an Easter tradition?)
There were still a few parts Leia Rose wasn't sure of (like the part where they get caught in the trash compacter and seeing all the strange monsters in Mos Eisley), . . .
But Leia Rose spent most of the movie looking like this. ; ) She was VERY excited, not scared at all, and totally engrossed in the story. I have to say, though, thank goodness we read the book first!!! I think that was the only way she was able to grasp what was going on. Han Solo's and Leia's sarcastic humor was a bit over her head, . . . she preferred the more obvious jokes of Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C3-PO. (And I thought it was so funny that she pronounced it see-three-PEE-oh instead of the usual see-THREE-pee-oh.) Among the fun exclamations throughout the movie was a big "WHOA!!!!" when Luke first opened his inherited light saber (although it was his "light saver" according to Leia Rose). : )
But this was the cutest part of the whole movie experience: Clutching Perri Pat Pat, Leia Rose would maneuver the kitty's legs and tail like a light saber saying, "And Perri Pat Pat has neat light 'savers' that she can hold that she keeps in her X-wing fighter. Okay, Perri, . . . . now get ready, . . . " You see Perri Pat Pat helped defeat the Death Star. : ) Perry Pat Pat, . . . may the force be with you!


Karin said...

How cute & fun! I'm sure Daddy was very pleased. :)

Did Leia have fun hearing her name in the movie?

LauraW said...

Shenan watched it again last night, too, with her Gimmie. So glad Leia loved Star Wars!