Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Way Home

During our breakfast on the last morning, I was reminded yet again that Annie just loves to share bits of food (especially the ones she doesn't want to eat herself). If she sees someone with an interest, she will happily hold up a Cheerio and say "Aaahhhhh!" as she holds it to your mouth. : )
And Leia Rose was happy again to watch Star Wars as we packed up. (This is the face she makes when Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewbacca are trapped in the trash compactor.)
And this is how Annie looks when we turn on Laurie Berkner to quiet her fussing. That always works. ; )
And THIS is Aunt Cassie standing in front of her new house!!! We went back the long way in order to stop in Greenville (or actually Mauldin) to pay a short visit and take Uncle Alan and Aunt Cassie out to lunch for Alan's birthday, and I have to say, it was an absolutely gorgeous home! I was so impressed! We drove out into the country, and there was this little development with shopping areas only five minutes away! Four bedrooms AND a bonus room. Garage. Wood floors. Great choice, guys!!! It was so nice to smell that "new home" smell and see walls that weren't smudged or chipped. ; )
And even Leia Rose was amazed to see the Gaffney water tower affectionately referred to as "The Gaffney Peach." I can't tell you how many times I passed this as a cheerleading coach en route to games while teaching at Spartanburg High School. ; )


Karin said...

You were a cheerleading coach???? :)

Karin said...

Is that Leia's 2nd time watching Star Wars?