Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Annie Fun Time

We got one of those freebie Highlights sticker packs today, so I thought it would be fun to play sticker fun with Annie today. It just simply involved me putting a sticker on a different part of her body, and Annie laughing while taking it off. It was fun!
Here is another new pastime of Annie's: listening to her "radio," that is her Mozart Magic Cube. : ) She loves to keep it by her no matter what she's playing with and press the orchestra button. When the music stops, she reaches over and presses it again.
And here's Annie being just plain silly! She loves to see my reaction when she uses her toothbrush to brush her hair! "No! Silly Annie! That's not a hair brush, it's a toothbrush! Ha! Ha!" Annie's also giving so many nice kisses these days. They are all those precious open-mouth baby kisses. I LOVE them! : ) And she loves to laugh afterwards! And, by the way, we had another addition today. Yet another tooth! This one's an eye tooth on the top right.

I had to record Annie's reaction to peeking at her from around a corner. : ) We play this game multiple times a day every day, in a million different places.

Remember the perfect schedule I mentioned a few weeks ago? Ha! History! Annie is in the middle of transitioning from two naps to one. She doesn't go down until about 10:30 or 11:00 now. And she'll sleep anywhere from 2-3 hours. Then she has lunch, we pick up Leia Rose, and suddenly it's 3 again. But hey, at least she isn't wanting to sleep on the way to Artgarden! She gets grumpy and asks for milk in the late afternoon, but after she nurses, she doesn't usually fall asleep (unless I leave her there for an hour or so). I'm in the process of figuring out a time that I must forget trying each day in order for her not to go to bed too late. I'm thinking 4, . . . but if she's already asleep, not to wake her. Ironically, today she took two naps, but boy was she grumpy after the second. ; )

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