Friday, October 12, 2007

Present Pastimes

Yes, as Leia Rose did before her, Annie Katharine has discovered the tupperware cabinet. : )
I don't know if you can see it, but there's a tiny white crumble of syrofoam packing material under the chair here, . . . well, it prompted Annie's very first signed sentence! : ) She was reaching for it (hoping to put it in her mouth). I signed (and said) "no" quite emphatically. And Annie came back with "no-eat." Wow!
Today I allowed Leia Rose to peek out of the sunroof. She was really having fun!
Here's Leia desperately trying to show Annie how to draw on the chalkboard. . . . Annie's main goal, however, is to eat the chalk. : )
Annie's newest pastime: knocking over Froggie's habitat! Oh no! Just took this shot to document the chaos that ensued. This habitat holds at least a half gallon of water, . . . took seven towels to soak up the water (water that smelled like froggy poop, by the way). Yuck! Not only did I clean it all myself, . . . but I also used Scooba. Got to love my Scooba! (Just to reveal the reality of the situation. Annie is screaming in the play yard here. Had to get her out of the way, whether lunch is ready of not. And Leia was smart enough to simply stay out of my way.)

Oh no, Annie. You're not allowed to adopt this pastime. (Still, it is the first time she climbed the stairs.)

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