Thursday, October 18, 2007

Off to Aunt Shirley's . . .

Well, we couldn't leave without having Birthday #2. : ) How did Grandma know that Annie loved Baby Einstein DVD's? She even chose a card with the caterpillar on it! And in addition to some nice clothes, Annie got the coolest caterpillar pull toy as well.
And in the time-honored tradition of Grandpa-chalk-board-art, here's his latest masterpiece. (I'm not sure how it happened, but this is a VERY special tradition to Leia Rose, and the whole family as well. When Grandpa arrives, he often goes directly to the chalk board and begins a detailed scene, . . . often depicting "Scar" from the Lion King, . . . as well as Leia and Grandpa somewhere in the midst of it. I am happy to say that I have taken a picture of each one, so we have a record of them all, Grandpa! Thanks again for this very special gift of art!)
. . . And even more than drawing it, Grandpa enjoys explaining it to sweet Leia Rose. : )
Annie spent lots of time at Aunt Shirley's chasing after a little pink ball that Shirley found for her to play with. . . .
. . . but the real challenge for Mamma was to keep Annie away from the fall foliage, decorative pumpkins, and feau berries you see in the background.
"Look! I have a piece of grass!"
Is it just me, or does Leia Rose look about 10 years old in this picture?
Leia really loved playing with the flashlight in Shirley's backyard because much of it was so dark, . . . especially when she threw the pink ball into a huge pot of yellow mums.

Here are Diane (Grandma's younger sister), Jackie (a friend of the family), Herb (Diane's husband), Shirley (Grandma's older sister), and Grandma herself.
While getting ready for bed tonight at the hotel, Leia Rose was working rather diligently with the magna-doodle, and when she was done she asked, "Mamma, what was the name of that ship? That ship that crashed?" I told her it was the Titanic. "Oh. This is the Titanic [on the left in the picture] and this is the iceberg [on the right]." Then she frantically crossed it out and said . . .
. . . "Then it sunk." (There you go, the Oscar Award Winning movie Titanic condensed into two sentences.) : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

ha! too funny about the titanic :)

And yes, the pic does make her look older. I think that it's partly the dark shirt. It's a darker "I'm older and have attitude" type of shirt, instead of sweet frilly pink and white. ;) ha! (Cute shirt though!)