Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pull-Toy and Pull-Handle

Annie is in love with her Ant pull toy!!! (Thanks so much Declan!) She loves nothing more than to sit there and pull it toward her, wait until I move it away, and then pull it toward her again. Can you feel the joy?

Today we also used the Three Little Pigs playset to act out the story. Fun!
Okay, I finally got a picture of this. At some point every day, Annie goes over to the antique sewing machine and flings (and I really do mean flings) the baby and the kitty off of it, . . . only to lean down and suck on the pedal. So funny (and a bit disgusting)!
Here's one of my favorite pictures of the year. You see, Annie can't take it when I'm in the kitchen working without her (and, boy, it's really impossible if she's over there flinging tupperware or kissing my leg or playing with the magnets in front of the fridge, etc.), so sometimes I "peek" at her from behind the kitchen island. The surprise of every peek looks just like the picture above. I love it!
And each child had a first today! Annie finally learned how to use a spoon pretty well. (Video at the bottom.) . . .
And Leia Rose learned how to open the car door from the inside! (This little first will be a very big help to Mamma!)

Speaking of helping, . . . I just thought I would document one of Leia Rose's jobs that she does willingly and happily: putting the clean/wet laundry into the dryer. Such a helper!
Here's some more Annie-joy for ya'. When she wakes up from her nap, she loves to jump/jump/jump with Mamma. This crib is really taking a beating! (Can you believe it has lasted through three generations?!?)
Leia's new creation: "It's a wormy with ears!" (And Leia has also noticed that she has to put the chalk up high so Annie doesn't eat it. See the wet pink chalk on the left?)
Looks like Annie's still making the same face when presented with the coldness of ice cream, . . . but she always seems to brave it for another bite. : ) And speaking of biting, Annie got another tooth today! It's her top right molar! (And that top right eye tooth is just about to come in, too!)
And finally, . . . Evidence: Leia! : )

And as promised: Annie Uses a Spoon.


Karin said...

The crawling picture is adorable!! :)

Kevin used to always try to open the car door from the inside long ago (while the car was GOING), but we had the child safety locks enabled so that couldn't happen. :)

April said...

I love the dino swing,
and the worm with ears.
I'm catching up on my blog vewing today.
