Thursday, October 25, 2007

Blocks, Grapes, & Dinner Games

Poor Annie! That flu shot really did her in this time! She woke up this morning at 11 AM (yes, 11!!) with a 103 fever! Tylenol brought it right down, though, and we were able to do a few things, like learn some colors while making block towers. Really, though, Annie just wanted to snuggle and read books, . . . and that was just fine with me! (She even let me read the ones she's not as fond of today. That was refreshing!)
Just have to mention this, . . . at some point every day Annie goes over to the "food" and gets out these two bunches of "grapes." She just loves every aspect of them: how they feel, how they taste, how they fit in her mouth. I'm starting to see now that they are a couple of her favorite toys.
Tonight at dinner Leia Rose was excited to play some "Dinner Games." My friend Laura gave me a fantastic present for my birthday called "Beginner Dinner Games, for families with kids age 3-6." (Thanks SO much, Laura!) We've decided to keep the tin of these cool cards/games right on the table because they're just such a great idea! And they're all designed to increase family communication. The one tonight was just for fun: "On the count of 3, everyone puts one fist out toward the center of the table with their thumb either up or down. The odd person out must take a big sip of his/her milk!" Yep, Leia had to sip that milk during this round. : )

1 comment:

LauraW said...

Ahhh, found it :) We keep ours on the table, too! Thanks for the cute e-thank you card!