Friday, October 12, 2007

Enjoying First Fall Foliage

Well, here's the first fall foliage we've seen this year. Glad to see it's red and not brown (because of the drought).
As the three of us were enjoying the autumn sights, it was pretty tough to keep Annie from eating, . . . well, almost everything out in nature. : )
Okay, go ahead and gasp. **gasp!** (Hey, wait till you see the NEXT picture!!!) Yes, Leia Rose was inspired yet again by her visit with Shenandoah and has begun to climb trees with my permission (but not without a lecture about broken arms). Here she is climbing her first oak.
But her favorite was this dogwood. Is that Leia two stories up? It was at this point I got a bit nervous, realizing that she could really get hurt if she fell. Hmmm, parenting dilemma, . . . allow her to experience life or protect her from it? Well, climbing a tree isn't sinning, is it? So experience away, Leia! (But I'm afraid Mamma will ALWAYS be nervous about you doing this.) : ) What was that Robert Frost poem about birch trees again? Couldn't get that image out of my mind.


Karin said...

Yikes!! Fun for Leia though ;)

So odd that climbing trees has come up in 4 separate ways for us this week!

Anonymous said...

LEIA BIRD!! How did you ever get up there! - but more importantly, HOW DID YOU EVER GET DOWN?!? My big sister did the same thing when we were little, but in a willow tree on a WINDY DAY! My Mom didn't know what to do if she couldn't get down,but she made it down ok! This is why moms get gray hair! Always make sure your feet are firmly planted on a branch and you always have at least one hand holding tignt to a branch, too! Love you bushels - Oma