Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Leia Gets "A Talking To"

Just wanted to mention the reason why I had to sit Leia down and have a conversation with her the other day. Almost every morning (or any time Leia Rose finds herself alone with Annie) I will often later notice a red welt on her cheek. Well, it turns out that Leia Rose sometimes bites Annie or at least "nibbles" her. This honestly isn't to hurt Annie, . . . it's just Leia's way to express intense love, . . . kind of like a I-love-you-so-much-I-just-have-to-SQUEEZE-you sort of thing. Well, her "love" was starting to leave marks, so I sat Leia Rose down and explained how she had to be more gentle with Annie because Annie surely doesn't like to be hurt like that, no matter if that's how big sister wants to show her love or not. And, of course, I told her that even too hard of a kiss from now on (the kind that makes Annie whine for a second and push Leia away forcefully) would give her a warning and eventually lead to the thinking chair. I asked Leia Rose if she wanted to know how I understood her feelings about this. When she said, yes, I told her about (I bet you can guess, Auntie April) giving my own little sister really hard "slobber kisses" when we were little. April never liked this, of course. Who wants to have someone forcefully put their spit on their cheek? Anyway, it was the same deal. Just intense I-want-to-love-you-my-way type of control. I want to nip it in the bud now so that the only feeling Annie will feel when she sees Leia Rose will be happiness. : )

1 comment:

April said...

Hey, I remember the slobbery kisses. When I would try to wipe off the slobber you would say I was trying to wipe off your kiss. Then mom told me to tell you that I was just rubbing it in.

Ah, sisterly power struggles. Gotta love ‘em.

You are a great sister even though you did give slobbery kisses.
