Sunday, October 21, 2007

A One-Handed Sunday

After Mass today (and when Brian was studying his Catechism & Bible at the next Mass), I caught Annie in her most common standing position these days, . . . standing one-handed (often with a toy in the other hand)! Walking is coming! I haven't seen her stand alone again, though, since the other day.
And I know this one is similar, but I love the way her little bottom sticks out. : ) (And, yes, I have resigned myself to the fact that I am going to have to pay per year for photo storage on this blog. This is my journal, and I don't want to skimp, you know? That's too much pressure. : )
And today at Jessie's flower fairy birthday party, Leia Rose made a spectacular pansy pot, with a butterfly decoration (and a flower fairy that Jessie colored, too)! : )
What a fabulous birthday party craft!

1 comment:

Karin said...

how cool about the standing!! :)