Friday, October 19, 2007

The Jumpin' Hug

I have been wanting to capture this look/motion/moment for a long time. This is how Leia Rose looks when she's running to give me one of our special "Jumpin' Hugs." She simply runs from far away and jumps into my arms. I love it. A jumpin' hug from Leia is always a special moment for me!
. . . Especially because among other people, especially family, Leia sometimes tends to treat me with a bit more disrespect than usual. Shunning kisses. Throwing dirty looks. My guess as to why is that I am often concerned with everyone other than Leia when in a social situation like this. Hmmm, looking for cold prickleys anyone? : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

That's so sweet!!! :)