Friday, October 5, 2007

Tales From the Work Folder

This time Leia Rose's sand art really looks like a sunshine! : )
Looks like Leia Rose did some pre-writing this week!
And this one's really funny! Leia said, "Oh, and I was supposed to draw a picture of Mamma and Daddy and Me and Annie and Grandma and Grandpa and Oma and Papa [for the family tree, I'm sure] but all I drew was a sky." It reminded me of Alexander's "invisible castle" from the No Good Very Bad Day book.

And now for her version of the day:
"This was not a 'very very good day,' but it was a good day. I builded a yellow fire truck house! That's something I did with Natalie Abbey. And we had a fire drill, and we went outside in our slippers!"

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