Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cats, Crowns, & Kid Nation

Just had to post a few of these pictures of Annie adoring her Cherry Chat Chat Cat (name based on Leia's Perry Pat Pat Cat, of course).
Ha! This one is particularly significant in regards to humor, . . . enough for me to call Brian over to look at it. There's a joke in our family about "Will" or "Water Will." That's the name of a kid Brian grew up with who, the joke is, used to stick his tongue out of the side of his mouth and make a "gggggttthhhh" sound. Yep, Annie is truly one of the family, now. : )
And here is something that I just had to record for posterity, because Annie plays with this every time she's in the car. (Thank you Godmommy Laurie!!!) We call it her "button presser" and it's just this little thing full of about 20 buttons all that make different sounds. Perfect for a kid in the button-pressing stage!)
I didn't know this at the time, but Annie was having a little fever reaction to her flu shot today. As a result she was more "loagy" and cuddly and sucky-thumby than usual. After lunch, she just wanted to sit there and hold my hand while I tapped my nails gently on her tray. (What a funny/strange activity!) I didn't know this at the time, but Annie was having a little fever reaction to her flu shot. (At one point it would get up to 103. Yikes!) As a result she was more "loagy" and cuddly and sucky-thumby than usual. After lunch, she just wanted to sit there and hold my hand while I tapped my nails gently on her tray. (What a funny/strange activity!)

Speaking of which, . . . ever since my birthday on the 23rd, ANNIE HAS SLEPT IN UNTIL 10 AM EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! (Gonna hate me now, Steve!) : ) Then she only takes one other nap. I think this has something to do with the time change and switching to one nap a day. Anyway, it's quite strange to be working on the blog at 9:30 AM, with my little one year old still asleep from the night!
Now for the present of the day: Ta-Da! Mrs. McDowell gave Leia Rose two hand-knitted princess crowns, complete with fancy jewels!!! Both of us were in awe over these!!! What a special gift to treasure! Thank you so much, Sarah!!!

And it was the gift of these crowns that inspired Leia Rose's "Flying Breezy" show today. (Of course, the crowns weren't on the entire time, though. Only when Princess Breezy was a actually made a Princess as she flew in to her "Breezy House" through the "Flyer-In" which turned out to be a skylight in the tipped Thomas the Train tent. : ) "Whistle Wishes" and "Sky Wishes" (above) were a part of the Breezy show as well. Leia Rose and I had a fun time trying to say "Whistle Wishes" five times fast, . . . that marks Leia Rose's first home-made tongue twister!
In this picture, you can see that these two "Breezies" have special scarf wings. (Breezies are small flying ponies. Thank you, Sophia, for the pony movie, by the way. It's inspiring lots of Leia's "shows," too. Shows are involved pretend-roll-playing games, you know.)

And here's an example of a failure in parenting, that really made me smile and hug my child, regardless. Tonight was Kid Nation on TV, but Brian and I previously decided to have Leia Rose go to bed on time instead. We didn't tell her it was Kid Nation night, . . . but she snuck downstairs and heard Brian say it. Then she was peeking over the computer desk every five minutes and saying she was hungry. We were giving her all kinds of warnings, . . . until I finally just decided that I HAD told Leia Rose she could watch this show every week, . . . and she WAS really interested in it. So I finally ended up saying, "Get over here, you! Watch this show and have this piece of bread!" Leia spent most of the time in my arms, watching, . . . intrigued as always. One guess as to who would make it on the Town Council if she were on the show . . .

Oh yeah, and I thought everyone might like to see Annie signing "froggie." : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Annie! - WOW! what a GREAT froggie signer you are!! and Leia! - your princes crowns are fabulous! you look beautiful in them AND they stay comfortably on your head! WOW! Tomorrow is your real Birthday day but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! a little early. Have a great day! I love you bushels! Love - Oma