Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Kid Nation

So, Brian and I have been watching this neat new show called Kid Nation that's basically Survivor for Kids. Anyway, last week, we looked behind us and there was Leia Rose hiding behind the computer desk peeking at the TV. We made her go back to bed. Ten minutes later: peeking over the computer desk yet again. Again, we made her go back to bed as she talked all the way, "What are those kids doing with those chickens? Are they going to kill the chickens? Are they going to eat the chickens? What are they doing there?" etc. etc. When Brian came back down we talked a bit about what was going on in our own family, . . . in that we thought it would be a lot later before we allowed Leia Rose to watch a prime time show. And yet, she seemed really interested. We had already seen one episode. The short of it is this: it's a show where forty kids (from 8-15) come together for forty days to live, work, and run a ghost town with no adults present. I was afraid it would be a bit too "Lord of the Flies" for me, but it really was a lot more mild than that. So, we allowed her to come down and watch the rest. (And it was really funny to see her reaction to commercials, . . . because she never sees those!) Leia was fascinated! So, we told her that this could be her special show every week. Tonight she enjoyed it as well (although she played a bit near the end of this one, . . . and if it doesn't hold her interest, that'll be the end of it). My only issue tonight is that I distinctly heard one of the older boys say "bitch" and then "suck" and then "idiot." We don't want our child hearing those words. Period. I was incredibly surprised that they allowed them (especially the first two) on a show that comes on at 8 PM. *sigh* Do we have to reconsider this now? The safest option would be to tape the show and have her watch it the next night without the few questionable words (and without the commercials). That would be great if we had a working VCR, . . . . Well, we've got a week to think it over. : ) In the meantime, Brian loves to sing the theme to the Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader theme song: "Are you ready for a Kid Nation? Put your answer in the form of an illustration!" *sigh* As embarrassing as the "Daubwey" on the Fourth of July? Almost.

Just as a humorous aside, . . . I was on a website looking for a picture to include in this post, when I came upon this review, which I thought was full of irony & absolutely hilarious (and please note that I did NOT write this):

luckeymomma38 12:13:33 PM Sep 21 2007
I wish we had something like that around so I could enroll my 11 yr old in it. She needs a reality check. We spoil our kids today giving them everything they want and don't need. And T.V is the worse thing that my daughter was ever introduced to. I made her watch this show with her dad and I and tried to show her what life was really about. I think we need camps like this. I know it is our fault that our daughter is spoiled but u think ur doing a good thing when u try to give them the things u didn't have but guess what IT MAKES THEM BRATS FROM HELL!!!!
The funniest thing about this woman's "review" is that her screen name is "luckeymomma"! Ha!