Monday, October 8, 2007

Kisses, Invites, and Aaaahhs

What a nice kiss Annie gave Daddy this morning! What a way to go off to work! (Or actually, go off to the dentist.) Brian and I both had our dualing appointments this morning, which means swapping Annie in the waiting room. During my part, I was trying to feed her breakfast. Annie is majorly teething again these days, so she's not as interested in food. Everyone was wowed and zowed by Annie at the office, though, especially her pop-out blue eyes. They all want to get on the blog now! Cool! : )
And here is Annie today delivering the invitations to her Little Ladybug Birthday Party this Wednesday. Can you believe that both Declan and Robert will be able to be there, plus Godmommy Laurie?!? Yay!
And here was Leia Rose's art project of the day: coloring her special Shenandoah coloring pages with special "smelly markers." See the evidence on her nose? : )
We got a few more party favors today for Annie's party, and in looking for ladybug windup toys, we found a really cute dinosaur windup toy. Here is Leia Rose imitating it. Ha!
And here's something I haven't seen in a while! "Aaaaaahhhhs!" . . .

And, oh boy, does this new toy that we borrowed from the Worrels really encourage Annie to stand!!! So many buttons to push! Someone's in heaven! : )

1 comment:

LauraW said...

So glad Annie loves this!