Friday, October 5, 2007

Saint Thomas More Tour & Application

Sister Catherine Michael Fee, SSJ -- Principal of St. Thomas More School

Well, today I took the very first tour of the year because it was the very first day to be able to submit an application for 2007. And you know, it impressed me just as much today as it did two years ago! Especially Sister Catherine! She's a keeper, boy. I told her that she wasn't allowed to retire, leave, or even get older. : ) And, can you believe, when I mentioned that I taught Colleen Moore at Sacred Heart Academy, . . . Sister Catherine remembered that from when I told her two years ago! (This was even more astonishing because I don't remember mentioning it then!) With all the people this woman comes across, that she would remember a little story like that and my face to go along with it. Phenomenal!!! I really feel like this is going to be a great fit for our family! And, I've got to say, I'm really pleased with the Religious curriculum as well. They really have a set program from second grade on: sacraments, ten commandments, beatitudes, old testament, in depth sacrament study, Jesus historically & biblically, and Catholic Church History. It'll be interesting how much actual Catechism they teach. (Hope it's a LOT.) The only issue is that there's no opportunity for Leia Rose to learn an instrument, . . . so I guess piccolo will have to be private lessons. Hey, you can't win them all. : )

As I expected, there was only one other parent there and, yep, they were complaining that their child missed the age cutoff (which is August 31) and couldn't go into Kindergarten. *sigh* Don't these people ever learn? What I didn't expect, however, was that there were seven other parent sets that came in over an hour late! By that time, we had asked all of our questions and everything. Still, I couldn't believe there were that many on that very first tour! Shows just how popular this school is!

1 comment:

Karin said...

wow! Kindergarten tour already!!! :-o