Monday, October 29, 2007

Boats & Dinos

Just thought I'd record Leia Rose's newest game which begins by her saying, "Do you want to ride on my boat?" I've been having fun sitting on the little pillow in the middle and singing "Row, Row, Row, Your Boat" while Leia Rose uses either the tambourine as a steering device or two tinkertoy home-made oars. : ) The fishbowl in the back is the "food-keeper." The boat in the front of the picture (consisting of the boppy, the bug container, and the glitter wand) is a kayak. This is a fun game. But, um, what happened to all of those expensive birthday toys?!?
Here's the other thing Leia discovered before bed tonight: She can make herself into a Triceratops just by using her fingers. (See the three horns?)
And into a Parasauralophus by making her two fists into a crest on the back of her head. What an imagination! (And Mamma discovered that she needs to even out Leia Rose's bangs. Ha!)

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