Monday, October 8, 2007

"What did you do at school today, Leia?"

"Wilson was Seaspray and Jessica was Rainbow Dash and I was Minty playing ponies, and I fell and got very scraped. I even got one band-aid. Playing ponies was the most fun of the day. I didn't like getting scraped, though."

And, I'm afraid, we got a note today that read, "We have a reported case of head lice in the class. Please monitor your child. Attached is some information on head lice." Yikes! Glad Leia has short hair! : )

And I tried to talk to Mrs. Schnell about the events of the next two weeks, . . . and it just cemented yet again how much of my brain power is gone these days. (And I just feel like it's been worse the last few weeks.) Anyway, I got Annie's birthday party Wednesday mixed up with next Wednesday, the day before we go to Washington. I had it all set in my mind that I'd just take her out of extended day of that Wednesday, do the Annie party, and then leave for DC the next day, . . . forgetting that Annie's party was this week. Then Mrs. Schnell added the variable of Leia's Montessori "party" at school, and I was totally thrown for a loop. : ) I think I've got it straight now. No extended day for Leia this Wednesday (Annie's party). No school at all for Leia the 18th and 19th (DC trip), which means she'll miss the trip to Duke Gardens. Leia's Montessori "party" on Wednesday the 24th because of the field trip on the 25th and the conferences on the 26th. Lord help me.

1 comment:

Karin said...

What's the story on the DC trip? :) I hadn't heard about that one!