Thursday, October 4, 2007

Doctors & Candy Apples

Annie's schedule was so strange today! She didn't wake up until 10AM! (Steve, are you jealous?) Still, this is not traditional for her, and it really screwed up her whole day. Today was Annie's one-year-old checkup at 11:30, so I gave Annie a good late breakfast and we went over there. Annie weighs 23 pounds and 11.4 ounces which is in the 80th percentile. She is 28 5/8 inches tall which is in the 50th percentile. Annie's head circumference is 18 3/4 inches around which is in the 90th percentile. In other words, she's doing really great! When we got to the office, they wanted me to fill out this HUGE questionnaire about what Annie can do. Turns out that she is a little behind in "gross motor skills" (this means she can't walk, stand, or cruise well), but that's no problem at all. She's advanced with everything else. No worries. : ) Well, not until the shots came out anyway. Annie had to get four shots today (one the dreaded, possible fever-causing, MMR). I held her tight while they stuck both legs twice and she just lay there with her eyes tight shut in a silent cry until her lips turned blue. It was really sad. Over in a moment with Annie, though. : ) She even sat still and quiet while they not only pricked her finger but also squeezed it for a couple of minutes to get this tiny test tube of blood to check lead levels. (I asked them to do this as a result of what happened to Rachel, Lauren. I have been letting Annie suck on questionable Rosaries a lot.) We'll see how those test results turn out. And, I'll just say it again, Annie is the absolute BEST kid about letting the doctor look into her ears and mouth as well listen to her heart. Annie just sits very still and looks around. Dr. Stephens said Annie's heart sounded great (no murmur) and that her ears looked great with the tubes in the perfect position! Yay! I also thanked Dr. Stephens for calling us to check on Annie after her surgery. That really meant a lot. Of course, the doctors appointment really messed up the rest of the day, . . . because I had a cranky Annie wishing her legs didn't hurt. Still, we did get to do one fun thing . . .

Eventually, I had to wake Annie up to go and get Leia Rose. Still, Annie was doing well, so we went to get a candy apple. See, I told myself whenever I hit each 10 pound marker with my weight loss I would treat myself and the girls to these spectacular candy apples they sell at The Chocolate Shop at Southpoint. It was really fun to watch Leia pick her traditional caramel apple with white chocolate and sprinkles. I, of course, got the "Apple Pie Apple" which is a caramel apple with white chocolate and apple pie spice. The best part about it, though, was we sat by the fountain to eat our apples. Oh how I wish I had the camera!!! It was just a beautiful day to be sitting there watching the water dance while eating a sweet/healthy treat! . . . And Annie got SO messy! Leia? Clean as a whistle, of course. : )

The downside of all this was that I forgot to give Annie lunch! That's because she was sleeping when I ate mine. I forgot about it. I guess goldfish and part of an apple wasn't enough, huh? I tried to have her nap when we got home, but she wasn't tired, she was hungry. So I just took her down, gave her some food and went ahead and gave her a bath and put her to bed. I'm afriad she was a "Cry Baby Crab" the whole way. (That's what I call her when she fusses, by the way.)

Then I tried two new recipes of Pumpkin Soup with Sage & Ham and Pumpkin Muffins for dinner (but mostly because Leia has snack tomorrow, and I thought the muffins would be perfect). It was phenomenal! And through it all, Leia Rose helped to make "Teddy Totters" for an extra snack for the kids. Those are slices of apple with peanut butter and three teddy grahams. Can you believe I didn't take a picture of that either? What the heck is wrong with me?!? I'll take some extra tomorrow, . . . I've got to get a pic of Annie sucking on Great Grandma Betty's sewing machine pedal. : )

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