Friday, October 12, 2007

Hey, . . . whatever works, right?

Remember the Froggie-On-The-Floor fiasco? Well, one of the things that got soaked with froggie poop water was the tool box that Annie loves to explore. All of the tools have nooks and crannys, . . . and the screws all have the typical spiral groove going around. I have been worried since it happened how the heck I was going to get this clean. Then tonight I had it! I don't have a washtub, so I just threw it in the washing machine on hand-wash for the wash cycle only (no spinning)! Worked like a charm! As the rinse water entered, I just rinsed off each toy and let them dry. I could never have gotten them this clean (and now I won't have to worry about Annie sucking on froggie poopie)! Thank God that Melissa & Doug make such durable toys! (By the way, Leia is convinced that Melissa and Doug are two elves in Santa's workshop! Ha!)

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