Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sliding, Sleeping, & Signing "Cold"

Annie LOVES to slide down the slide on our playground! (Didn't Leia do a great job taking this picture?)
Yep, here she is, signing "more" to do it again. By this time, I stopped holding on to her the entire time because I noticed she could sit straight and go down on her own (into my waiting arms, of course.)
And this is Annie's "I'm-at-the-top-of-the-slide" face. I've never seen her look like this before. Don't know why she made this face every time, but it sure was funny!
The other thing she would do every single time is stick her tongue out right in the middle of sliding. Ha! (And, boy, does our slide go fast! These kids are going to love roller coasters someday!)

Funny story behind this picture! I have been blogging recently about how Annie has been transitioning to one nap a day, right? Well, today was such a funny schedule as a result! Annie's first nap was at 11:00. Then she didn't get tired again until 4:30, . . . so I took her upstairs, breastfed her, and put her in the crib with the lights on and a million toys. I was sure she'd only have a rest time, and then go down to bed early. Boy was I wrong! Turns out she threw all the toys out of her crib and then lay down to nap! She was still napping at 6:00! At least she wasn't grumpy later . . .

In fact, she even learned to sign "cold"! Can you tell it was night when we ate dinner today? You can even hear the crickets! : )

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