Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Artgarden's Halloween Party 2007

Every year Artgarden Montessori school has a wonderful Halloween party for the students, and the parents and siblings are always invited! Here's everyone intently listening to instructions. Just as a little aside though, when Leia Rose got to school late because of her surgery appointment, everyone gathered around in a circle and stared at her, . . . not because of the wig or costume, but because she was wearing makeup: some blush, mascara, and lip stain. Funny! All part of the costume, kids, all part of the costume. : )
And, no, you're not seeing double: there are TWO Dorothies!!! (But there were THREE T-Rexes, . . . so I guess it's good that Leia changed her mind.) The other Dorothy's mom couldn't believe that Leia Rose wore her wig all day. Supposedly, Wilson ditched her wig and her Toto in less than five minutes. (Honestly, I don't think Leia Rose felt like she was really Dorothy without the wig on. I bet that's why she was so intent on wearing it.)
Here's Leia Rose holding up her latest obsession: Wilson's Toto in a Basket. For some reason, Leia Rose was under the impression that Wilson was letting her "have" this item. Not so. Boy were there tears when we had to remove Toto from Leia's grasp, . . . with the insistence that "Isn't your sister a much BETTER Toto?" Answer? "No." Ha!
And as an extended day student this year, Leia Rose got to man one of the games: the ghost dropping game. She was to hand each student three ghosts one at a time. They were supposed to climb a step ladder and drop them into a bowl. Fun!

Even Annie got to have a turn! She dropped the ghosts so nicely! And all three of them almost went in. : )
Mrs. Schnell did a few Halloween rhymes with the children.
And then it was time to listen to a Halloween book on tape.
Here's Hermione (Maddie), Dorothy (Leia Rose), and Tight-Rope Walker (Jessica) receiving their treats from Super Knitter (Mrs. McDowell). : )
Now, you wouldn't know it from these pictures, but Annie wasn't too happy during the whole party. (Lots of tired whining.) Wouldn't you know it, she chose this day stop sleeping until 10. Glad to get her back on schedule, but . . . now she was tired right at the time the party was supposed to start. There were quite a few times when I had to high-tail it to the stairs (the dirty, stairs, by the way) in the foyer to let her crawl and get her wiggles n' whines out.
Declan joined us for a bit out here. Is this the definition of "puppy" love, or what?!? : )

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