Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tales from the Work Folder

It's so funny when I go through the work folder after Leia Rose is already asleep, . . . because I still find myself guessing at certain aspects of things. (And, quite honestly, I almost never know what the heck I'm looking at.) But there's no doubt that this is a brontosaurus eating from the tall branches of a tree.
Now this one is more cryptic. It looks like one of Leia Rose's typical "kitties." I'll have to ask her.
This week there were quite a few entries that touched my heart. This being Leia Rose's birthday week, there were actually a lot of kids who put a special hand-made card into her work folder as a birthday gift, like this one from Jessica. (You know how Leia's artwork always contains dinosaurs? Well, Jessica's artwork always contains rainbows.) : )

Here are the highlights from Leia Rose's school week this week: (There's no school tomorrow because of parent-teacher conferences.)

"Today I told Chandan and Natalie that they were Chocolate Cupcakes! Because, you know, they have chocolatey brown skin. [And I couldn't stop myself from asking, "What kind of cupcake are you, Leia Rose?" And all I could think was, "Is she gonna say vanilla? Is she gonna say vanilla?" But her actual reply really made me laugh . . .] I'm Strawberry, of course! I like PINK, Mamma!" [Ha!]

Later this week, Mrs. McDowell came up to me at Leia's Celebration of Life and told me a funny story. She said that Leia Rose was working on a work, waited until Mrs. McDowell was nearby, and said, "Mrs. Mcdowell, I need to tell you something. It's something that not many people know about me." Mrs. McDowell was ready for a true and interesting revelation of some sort. But what Leia Rose said was, "I really like dinosaurs." And I think Mrs. McDowell's exact words were, "The cat's already out of the bag, Leia." : ) This of course led to my explanation of that expression. : )

"Guess what we got to do today at school, Mamma?!? Make GAMES!!! For Halloween!!! There's this ghost fishing game. It's under felt. . . . and I LOVE sharing with Jessica! But Lorenzo came over and wanted to knock over Jessica's chair when she didn't want him to. The peacekeeper did the job, though."

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