Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Silly, Silly!

This happens so often during the day these days, I just had to document it. One of Annie's favorite things to take out is the little "tool box" that she's really too little to play with yet (but the tools are really fun to bite on, though). : ) Every time I see her do this (even if I don't have time to go over the tool names or colors) I sing the Handy Manny Song, . . . "Doodle-EE-Do-Do-Do, Handy Annie! Doodle-EE-Do-Do-Do, Handy Annie!" Handy Manny is a character from the children's shows of Playhouse Disney. He's a general handy-man, hence the name.
What an advertisement for Chick Fil-A and Minute Maid, huh? Mrs. Schnell told us that the cupcakes for someone's birthday were way too large today, so the extended day kids didn't eat their lunch. So we got a really huge snack after school.
Oh Leia, you're so silly. Here's Leia Rose making fun of her favorite kitty's name, . . . she is literally doing "Pear-y Pat Pat" in that she's pat-patting a real pear! So silly!

And because Leia has been so into dinosaurs lately again, for some reason I picked today to show her the "Rite of Spring" part of Fantasia. I have been meaning to do this for years. Well, I had forgotten two things. 1. Only half of it is about dinosaurs, the rest is about general evolution (which none of us had approached with Leia yet, of course). 2. It's pretty scary in that it's about the end of the dinosaurs (and it's a different theory than the asteroid theory, at that). Needless to day, it wasn't one of Leia's favorites. I don't think she'll be asking for that sucker again. However, there's also a fabulous mythological rendition set to Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony (it's my favorite piece of classical music in addition to the Moldau). Anyway, Leia LOVED the mythological characters, especially the Pegasus ponies (big surprise). It was absolutely adorable to watch her see this segment. Her comments were precious. "Look at that Mamma and Daddy Pony! They have babies! . . . Oh! The baby unicorn is caught in the storm! Oh, the centaur saved her. . . . Look at the pink waterfall! [it was really the wine of Bacchus] That tastes good! [uh oh]. . . Now there's rainbow water! . . . That must be the girl who makes the night! . . . Those two centaurs are zebras. . . . The Mammas [centaurs] are getting ready to meet the Daddies! Look! There are the Daddies! Oh, that Mamma doesn't have a Daddy. Wait! The babies are helping her find him! Awwww, they're loving!" Needless to say, this has become the new "Pony Show." : )

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