Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Hernia & Alleys

Let's talk about the positives first, . . . Leia Rose went to the doctor today and was 36 pounds and 38 inches tall! (She's almost tall enough to ride all the "big" rides at Disney!) And Leia Rose also got the flu vaccine, in her nose! : ) (Can you believe, I was actually a bit upset that she wouldn't be able to "practice" for her shots at her five-year-old appointment?) Anyway, what really thrilled me is that the nasal spray is 90% effective while the injection is only 70%-80% effective. I got one, too. Poor Annie, however, just had to get the regular old shot.
And we also discovered a new book that's perfect for Halloween about two characters named "Meg and Mog." Meg is a witch and Mog is her cat.
And Annie had her second lollipop today. I've got to remember this little trick for church days. (As long as I don't mind her coming out sticky!)
Ah, the reason she comes out sticky, . . . that's the wrong end, Annie.

The bad news, and the reason why we went to see Dr. Stephens today, is we suspected Leia Rose had a hernia. I'm pretty sure I've written before on the blog about Brian finding a lump a few months ago and not telling me. Then me giving Leia a bath one day and seeing her pubic area moving. (That freaked me out.) Then the lump went away for a while. Well, the next time I noticed it was right after our big bout of bed-jumping this last weekend. It stayed out long enough for Grandpa, who's also a doctor of course, to examine it. He suspected a hernia, and told us that if it stays out to go to the doctor. Well, after the bed-jumping it never did go back in (unless Leia lays down). So today we went. Yep, it's an inguinal hernia, and I think Dr. Stephens words were, "She really needs to get that taken care of." So now we're off to a surgeon, . . . and to ask another whole slew of questions.

To end on a positive note, today was my birthday, and Leia Rose gave me a really neat present, . . . she painted my basil plant pot! I LOVE IT! : )

And on the way to dinner tonight, Leia suddenly asked me, "Mamma, do I have an alley?" An alley? I had no idea what she was talking about. Then Brian clued me in, . . . I had just been talking to Brian about something being "right up his alley." And Leia said again, "If Daddy has an alley, do I have an alley?" I explained that saying something is "right up your alley" is an expression that means "something you would really like." Leia's such a cutie! : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Happy Birthday!! :)

I'm so sorry to hear about Leia's hernia. :( I don't know much about hernias...but that doesn't sound fun...especially if the word surgeon is involved.... :(

What's the height limit for Disney rides? 40"?? Kevin is 39.5", as of this week! Think he can grow half an inch in 4 weeks?? ;) ha.