Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Carving Pumpkins

Leia Rose had a definite image in her imagination about how she wanted pumpkin carving to be today. She wanted to do it with Daddy (and Daddy only). This was very important to her, and I suspect that's because they did it together after Annie was first born. She also really wanted it to be at night, and on our little sidewalk. I guess we made her wishes come true today. : ) I'm finding that, as long as Leia's vision is made real, she is happy no matter what happens within that vision. This is true of all her imaginings, . . . not just pumpkin carving. As for Annie, there were three main things that made her happy during this event: 1. Throwing this little painted pumpkin that the farmers gave us today.
2. Banging the scooping spoon.
3. Reading Happy Halloween, Biscuit! Annie has fallen in love with this book so much, that we decided to carve her pumpkin just like Biscuit's pumpkin. : )
This is the THIRD year in a row that we've used this kitty cat stencil for, . . . guess who's pumpkin. : )
Here's Leia Rose "helping" to carve the pumpkin. Thank God for our pumpkin carving tools! Never, ever try to carve a pumpkin without them!
Got to love that I actually have a piece of pumpkin on my nose! : ) Evidence of the mess!

Annie's Biscuit Pumpkin
Leia's Kitty Cat Pumpkin (Again)
The Bad News about Annie: We have a child who is a truly a bear when she's tired. Annie spent lots of time crawling and crying this evening even though she was warm enough (which I suspect was the problem at the farm yesterday). We have a first-born, of course, who is truly a bear when she's hungry. What a fun combination!

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