Thursday, October 18, 2007

Floam Critters & Robin Hood

Leia's treasure from playing outside today was this keen bow and arrow that I made her out of sticks and rubber bands, as well as a quiver out of a toilet paper tube, tape and scrap paper. She was absolutely shocked when I told her I could make these. : ) And she really couldn't believe it when an arrow actually flew! : ) Turns out that Leia Rose, Jessica, and Price played "Robin Hood" at school today. Guess who was Robin Hood? Uh huh. Wonder who initiated this game. . . . Anyway, Price was Little John and Jessica got to be Maid Marian (who would be my choice, personally). : )
Just a funny story about Leia Rose outside today. While we were on the playground, I noticed that Leia's pants were bulging at the pockets. And I said, "Leia, why are your pants bulging?" To which she replied, "I got nuts." (How often do I really get to laugh that hard?!?) And, yes, of course she meant nuts from the trees, silly, but it was still a really funny play on words. : )
Leia Rose got a cool Floam Critter Craft Set from Heidi at the birthday party the other day, and she has been really itching to make these things! She was especially excited on this one to mix the blue and the yellow together to make green.
Now we have two, straight from Leia's imagination!

1 comment:

Karin said...

Very cute bow & arrow set, Mamma!!