Saturday, October 27, 2007

One Frilly Lace Cravat . . .

Okay, today I'm going to blog backwards. sdrawkcab golb ot gniog m'I yadot, yakO. Just kidding. I meant that I'll start with the last thing first. : ) We went to Mass this evening because Annie has been sleeping in until 11AM still, and we're not sure whether we should mess that up (considering that it might be because of the flu shot reaction). Anyway, this is how Leia Rose insisted on exiting church. : ) We couldn't get our mind off Austin Powers requesting "one frilly lace cravat." Ha! [Note to self, though: these curly bows are a great baby church-toy. They're really interesting, and they don't make a sound. Lollipops are good too, . . . but very sticky.]

I know this is in the comments from Oma, but I just wanted to include it here, too, so we can save it for posterity. I thought Leia Rose would really appreciate it:

"Wow! - Noelle that face Leia is making looks Exactly the way Grandma Staggers face looked when she would have her picture taken while feeling beautiful! Like the one I have hanging on the hall rack from my wedding. and Leia really does look beautiful! she has her own sense of style and she is proud to show it! Love You - Mom/Oma"

As for Annie at Mass. *sigh* She lasts until about halfway through in the stroller (which is a blessing for that first half, though). Then she wants to get up and move. Today I just took her out to the hall and let her crawl around. (Again, something I would NEVER have allowed Leia Rose to do because of germs, etc.) Annie explored the sacristy, the hall, and an area we affectionately call "the door," which is this spot where two glass doors come together and make a little cubby perfect for small children to sneak into. And of course, nearby are the two square holes in the floor that allow those glass doors to lock. I remember looking at parents when Leia Rose was a baby and wondering WHY they were letting their kids stick their fingers down those dirty holes, . . . and today it was my kid doing this, . . . and crawling around in bare feet, . . . and approaching people's shoes to investigate them (suck on them?). In my defense, we did book it to the nearest sink to wash hands, . . . four different times. : )

Before church we spent a wonderful evening (with picture perfect weather) just out on the playground together. We found a really cool yellow and black spider spinning a web. Annie did lots of swinging and sliding (and nodding "yes"). Leia Rose did lots of leaf collecting with Daddy. I can't tell you how relaxing it is to be out there! : )
And here is Annie with Daddy at Leia's ballet class watching some dancers in the foyer. Mamma, however, was nowhere to be found because she was having a birthday brunch with her friend Karin (Kevin's Mamma). : )


Anonymous said...

Wow! - Noelle that face Leia is making looks Exactly the way Grandma Staggers face looked when she would have her picture taken while feeling beautiful! Like the one I have hanging on the hall rack from my wedding. and Leia really does look beautiful! she has her own sense of style and she is proud to show it! Love You - Mom/Oma

Karin said...

yay for brunch!! :) Obviously, I got pretty behind on reading while being sick -- but I'm back! :)

Oh! And I had been wondering about ballet class. I don't think you had mentioned it since you first said that she got into the class. :)