Thursday, February 21, 2008

Another Annie Pastime

Annie LOVES playing the musical instruments, especially this triangle. : ) (Perhaps she'll be a percussionist?) And even after a rough morning where she was quite out of sorts, she still managed lots of words like "el-want" (elephant), and lots of shapes like "oval" and "sa-kl" (circle) and "ti-gel" (triangle) and she tried lots of others, and often got the syllables correct, but can a one year old really say "trapezoid"?!? I don't think so! Ha! Still, this is all a result of her continuing fascination with her shape sorters. One of these days I'm going to move the puppets and the scarves where she can play with them. : ) And just as an aside, it's just so cute to see her come down every morning saying, "Yay-ah? Yay-ah?!" ("Leia? Leia?!") Looking for her sister, who is always in school. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Oh, too cute about her calling for Leia!!! :)