Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Last Days of Crawling

Annie walks multiple times a day now. Mind you, it's still not her preferred method of propulsion, but she often attempts a long & wobbly walk, and often succeeds. Ironically, she rarely does it when asked, . . . probably something about wanting to do it on her own. ; ) So it has been really hard to snap a picture or take a video. (Perhaps that'll be for a later post.) Today I just included what I think will be the very last video of Annie crawling. . . . the end of an era.

And, of course, Annie has become a pro at walking while holding people's hands, . . . even for long distances. I thought these pictures of Annie's walking shadow were cool:

And, of course, we had to spend some time in the sand box today. The hit today was trying to catch pouring sand with her cup.
Annie is quickly turning from "the baby" into "the little sister." Case in point, Annie observes Leia Rose "watering the pine trees" . . .
. . . Annie tries to water them, too. ; )
But I'm glad Annie didn't notice Leia Rose making "Mega Mud" or climbing trees. Yikes! That could have been disastrous. [Um, and did Leia HAVE to take the mud from the end of the zipline? Annie took her first ride on that today as well. (I held both of her hands the whole time, of course.) The only problem with this was that every time I let her down, the zipline handle would pop up and hit me in the face with great force. One time it gave me a fat lip, and Annie landed on her back.] I have to say, though, that there are so many times a day when Annie falls, hits her head, shakes it off, and goes about her busniess (only stopping a bit too whine if I'm watching and notice). She's just so durable, . . . and ADAPTABLE in that Annie takes naps in accordance with Leia's school schedule. Early on days Leia gets out at two. Late on days Leia gets out at noon. Amazing! Only one nap, of course.
And Annie's favorite word these days is "bow," which she can say perfectly. Often, the first thing she'll say in the morning is "bow, bow, bow, bow!" (Interesting in that Leia, at this point, was pronouncing it "buh.") Here Annie is enjoying me repeating "bow" over and over again while doing a bit of peeking. ; )

It's also cool to read Leia's journal from the same age, and discover that Annie and Leia seem to be at the same verbal level! Leia would gain about four words per day. Annie does, too. Today it was "slide" and "wah-erry" (strawberry), "popcorn" (the full word!), and "Eh-mo" (Elmo). [And for fear that I'll forget in the days to come, I just want to express how excitedly Annie crawls (yes crawls) to her high chair for dinner, and then sits up and vehemently signs "eat." Lots of excitement about eating!]

Just a tidbit or two about school today. Leia told me a lot! There was a neat new work with words to color, cut, and glue onto an apple. (?) And on the playground she played "Truck Trap" with Greta: "We dug a big hole for the trucks to drop into, but the people didn't fall in." (?)

Now for the crawling video:

1 comment:

Karin said...

How cool that she's walking so much & you got that last crawling video! :) Lots of exciting stuff!!