Friday, February 8, 2008

Driveway Art +

Leia Rose was very inpsired by her special "Femo" beads she made this week in African Art, and she began creating on our driveway as I frantically got ready for our little trip this weekend. When I went outside to see her creations, Leia Rose proudly said, "Look Mamma, I made hearts to show how much I love my friends! This one is how much I love Maddie . . . "
"This one is how much I love Jessica."
"And THIS one is how much I love Shenandoah!!!"
And here is Leia Rose's self-made map of the world! Check out the North Pole and Antartica! Then from left to right it's South America, Asia, Australasia, Africa, and North America. She was quick to point out that the positions of the coninents were her interpretation. : ) So wonderful all of the things she's learning these days in Montessori. : )
And as we got on the way to Virginia, Leia Rose wanted me to take a picture of some Sister Love. So here it is. : )


Karin said...

Very cool about the map of the world! :)

Sarah said...

That reminds me, Leia mentioned yesterday that South America is her favorite country. She was quick to point out that this is because (in Montessori) South America is pink! What a good memory she has!