Friday, February 8, 2008

Panera with Kevin

This was a special Valentine lunch, in that Kevin brought Valentines for the girls! : )
But Leia's ultimate goal of the lunch was the "squeezie" of yogurt that she got with a kids meal (which she had wanted since seeing Shenan and Armelle have one last time).
Kevin and Leia (especially Kevin) made friends with the little girl sitting next to us. At one point, the little girl told Kevin something about "his sister," (meaning Leia) but Kevin replied, "I am not a girl! . . . We are not together!" This made me laugh really hard because it kind of sounded like Kevin was leaving himself available for other dates. Ha!
And here was a game (albiet a distracting one) that Kevin and Leia created by themselves. It was called "Climb-ey Down." They would stand up on the booth, putting their hands up top like this, and then fall down while making a kind of "aaahhhh" sound.


Karin said...

Ha! So does Leia name all the "games" that she plays? You guys always seem to have a name.

Karin said...

Maybe it was that Kevin made one comment & Leia made the other. Now that I read your story, I think that might have been how it went. I know the first comment was, "We don't live together." So now I'm pretty sure that Leia said that, and then Kevin said, "We're not together." In fact, I'm quite sure of it. ha! :)