Sunday, February 17, 2008

Leia's Teepee / Annie's Sandbox

Here is Leia Rose being very proud of her very own Teepee that Mamma helped her build. You see, Mamma did LOTS of yard work today. One particular chore was trimming the butterfly bushes. These butterfly bushes, even though I cut them down to stumps every year, manage a new two-inch diameter trunk every season. I had LOTS of huge cuttings just perfect for making a Teepee. So we got some old sheets (and Leia collected some crapemyrtle spent berries, . . . I don't know why) and all-together made this fabulous Teepee.
We talked a lot about having a "Teepee Tea Party," which Leia Rose got a kick out of saying that tongue twister. We wanted to have it with her friends, but I knew tomorrow was supposed to be cold and rainy, so I treated her to a juice and a squeezie yogurt with Mamma instead.
Today I told Leia to never stop having fun adventures (and certainly don't EVER let TV take their place). ; )
Annie took such a long nap today, that we had to show her the Teepee after it got dark. Here is Leia Rose eating her Valentine candy by flashlight.
All Annie wanted to do was to put leaves and dirt into the Teepee, which really made Leia Rose laugh.

Soon enough, though, it was time to switch over to nighttime sand play (again by flashlight). Godmommy Laurie had given Annie this little turtle sandbox that just fit under the clubhouse on the playground. And I just happened to have one last bag of playsand. Turns out turtle sandbox+playand=Annie's Heaven.
Annie's first favorite sand activity was to run her fingers along it to make a kind of "rake" design, . . . and unfortunately, to then throw the little handful behind her. (We had to nip that one in the bud.)
Annie especially got a kick out of sand falling from the shovel. (Do I remember this about Leia Rose, too?)

And there is one picture of me as a baby where I look JUST like Annie here. (No, it wasn't a good picture of me, either.) ; )
Leia and Annie had so much fun out there! And I can't say Annie is one for tantrums, but when I took her out of that sandbox, she threw one. (Annie's tantrums consist of flailing backwards, banging her head against anything that's there. Fun. The other day she banged right against my cheekbone. I got really angry.) Anyway, this child LOVES sand! ; )

1 comment:

Karin said...

What a fun & creative teepee!