Friday, February 15, 2008


Okay, we usually don't let Leia Rose watch "shows" on weekdays, but she just couldn't get enough of the Aristocats, so I broke down. At least we got to play a good hour of "kitties" first, where I made her a snack of "fish" and "milk a-la-Edgar" (minus the sleeping-pills, of course). Leia Rose LOVED the mixture of milk, cream, cinnamon, and sugar. That was just what the kitties liked in Aristocats! And, of course, they're in bowls. *sigh* Aristocats is turning out to be just as popular as The Lion King was, once upon a time. She wants to watch it again and again. And those are the only two movies that she has ever felt that way about. : ) (I told her it was neat that they both were about two different kinds of kitties.) ; )

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