Saturday, February 16, 2008

Harry Potter & Bertie Botts

Every night for a while now, at Leia's request, we have been reading our newest chapter book together: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone! And Leia Rose has embarked on an exciting reading adventure. Quite honestly, I have NEVER seen her sit more still while listening to a book (and one with no pictures, even)! She is just SO interested! And now, for her "story" at night, she wants me to recap the chapter we have read. Wow! So far, she has laughed the hardest when Hagrid called Mr. Dursley an "old prune" and been the most worried when she discovered that everyone was too scared to call Voldemort by his real name. ; )
So, in honor of last night's chapter (when Ron and Harry are sharing sweets on the train), we broke out the Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans. I've had these before, but honestly, I had NO idea they had such new (and disgusting) flavors!!! So interesting! Anyway, tonight we divided all of the beans into their respective flavors and then tried each one together. Our favorites of course were Buttered Popcorn & Tutti-Fruitti. But the real peaches were Black Pepper, Booger, Earthworm, Dirt, Ear Wax, Sausage, Grass, Vomit, Soap, Sardine, Pickle, and Rotten Egg. Uh! Leia Rose actually liked Grass, Pickle, Sausage, and Soap. And I kind of had fun discovering the minute difference between Earthworm and Dirt. But NO ONE liked Booger, Vomit, Rotten Egg, or Sardine. Sardine was the absolute WORST! We loved every minute of it! ; )
Here we are trying a particularly disgusting one (Sardine perhaps?), and waiting for that first burst of "flavor."
And suddenly, we discover that delightful fishy flavor! (With a napkin nearby for convenient spit-outs.) Even Annie tried an ear wax one. She didn't think it was half bad! ; )