Friday, February 15, 2008

A New Tradition? A Weaned Annie?!?

Tonight Leia Rose and I went to the Stations of the Cross, like we will each Lenten Friday we are in town. Leia was a very good girl, coloring two full pages of the Stations coloring book with some brand new crayons. : ) Anyway, afterwards I was hankering for coffee, so Leia Rose and I high-tailed it to Starbucks. I let Leia choose her nighttime snack there (some vanilla poundcake and apple juice). We had lots of fun talking, and Leia was especially impressed that she could see all of the doings from the "high table." : ) Perhaps we'll do this each week?

But the news of the night?!? BRIAN PUT ANNIE TO BED!!! That meant that there was no breastfeeding involved, of course, . . . and she went down FINE!!! This is just wonderful! I was so proud of both of them! Brian and I talked about it, and we'll continue with Daddy reading the last books and putting her down for a while until this weaning sticks. "Mamma" is still equated with "Mamma's Milk," so I need to be out of the picture for a while, I think. ; )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Whoa!!! That's major!!

And how fun about Starbucks! :)