Sunday, February 3, 2008

Making Valentines

A long time ago, Leia Rose decided that she wanted to make each of her Valentines by hand this year (just like last year). In between a few much-needed breaks, Leia Rose used crayons, markers, glitter glue, glitter paint, puff balls, sequins, and jewels to finsh them. Now all she has to do is write her name on them and she's done. (I'll admit, though, in the middle of the process when Leia Rose was like, "Okay, I don't want to do this anymore" as there were huge globs of glitter glue drying on our kitchen island and Leia Rose was loading up one Valentine with a million things and leaving another plain, I had a less-than-lovely parental moment and thought, "Why the heck can't we just go to the store, pick out a nice package of Valentines and leave it at that?!?" : ) Still, I was so very proud of her for her effort! : )


Anonymous said...

As you should be!!!

Karin said...

ha! How funny :) I can definitely understand the frustration - but it's so cool that she did want to do them herself and she did a fabulous job! :)