Tuesday, February 5, 2008

New Valentine / New Friends

Today the girls got very special Valentines in the mail from their Great Grandma Betty!!! And, oh how well Great Grandma knows the girls!!! . . .
Because they were KITTY Valentines!!! The girls couldn't keep their eyes off of them!
The girls clutched them for an hour, bringing them into a self-made kitty-nest, . . . there was a lot of "meowing" going on. : )

Leia Rose even made the envelope into a peek-a-boo pouch for White Kitty. : )
Then Leia Rose wanted to go on a bike ride. Usually these rides last about two minutes, and then I have to drag the bike back up the hill. But today Leia took the longest bikeride in her life, . . . and it's all because she made some new friends.
Here are Chloe (3) and Mia (1). They live two doors down, and Leia Rose and Chloe biked all the way to Stonehill road, back again, and then up and down the Richard's driveway lots of times!!! They also played on the playground together, and even rode in Leia's Barbie Jeep. Annie played too, . . . and was especially enamored of their kitty named "Taco." : )
And the cutest thing about it was that Leia Rose thought "Chloe" was named "Glowy," as if she glowed in the dark. : ) And by the end of the day little "Glowy" ranked up near Shenandoah as a favorite friend. : )
Finally, while I was making dinner, Leia Rose drew her "own land" it even had grass, a mountain, a sky, a sun, and a flying pegasus pony. : ) Here's Leia Rose flying with the pony.
"Wait! I forgot something . . . "
"I drew a cloud for me to sit on!" : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

How fun!! :) Had you literally never met them before?