Sunday, February 10, 2008

Annie's Animals / My Favorite Pic

Taken at a little playground in the mall, right before we left Virginia. Annie was getting such a kick out of going up to the different animals and saying their names. Of course, this one was, "Faa!" (Frog!)
And even though this one didn't come out as well, I still wanted to include it because this was the one when she first discovered that this was, in fact, supposed to be a big frog, . . . and she was SO surprised and happy! : )
And she was just as excited that this was a "Baaa!" (Ladybug) These little creatures make for great photos, don't they? ; )

And then it was off back home. Ironically, the driving was treacherous today. The winds were supposedly 40-50 miles per hour. Our little Jeep was being blown all over the road, and periodically clumps of debris would hit our car. (I saw lots of flying sticks and stones.) And the passenger door had some kind of tiny gap in it where, when the wind would hit it right, there was a sound like a gunshot periodically. It was scary! And THEN, there was some big fire being blown by the wind that they thought was going to jump the road, so they had to re-route all of the traffic onto a tiny backroad. That set us back 2+ hours. Yikes!


Anonymous said...

Oh, what a great picture!


Karin said...

Yow! What a horrible driving experience! Glad you got home ok!!

And the pictures are very cute! I'm sure it must have been very cute to see Annie get so excited over the animals. :)