Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Boring Tuesday?

Even though these pictures might not show it, this really was a sort-of boring Tuesday for the girls. Leia Rose had off from school, Daddy was still on his very first business trip to Charlotte, and Mamma had it in her mind that she was going to finish the pressure washing come hell or high water. That made for a very-little-play-with-Mamma type of day. : (
Still, this is how I found Leia Rose when I got up this morning! She was dressed as a "Princess Fairy"!
Then she said she wanted a "new and different" hairstyle befitting a "Princess Fairy," and this was the result. (And, can you believe, she left it in all day!?! Well, what was left of it.) : )

This was Annie's favorite activity of the day: sitting in the Moses basket. : ) It had the same quality as the little plastic slide at the Worrel's, I guess.
And at one point, I asked Leia Rose to bring down the wooden birthday cake set. I thought Annie would enjoy it now. And she really did! . . . But this picture is most definitely "Evidence: Leia"!!!

1 comment:

Karin said...

Pretty hair & dress! :)